Replacing CRUs

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Replacing the monitor stand


The monitor stand is available only on some models.

  1. 1

    Remove any media from the drives and turn off all connected devices and the computer.

  2. 2

    Disconnect all power cords from electrical outlets and disconnect all cables that are connected to the computer.

  3. 3

    Place a soft, clean towel or cloth on the desk or surface. Hold the sides of your computer and gently lay it down so that the screen is against the surface and the computer cover is facing up.

  4. 4

    Replace the monitor stand.

    1. 1 Removing the stand
    2. 2 Removing the stand base
    3. 3 Installing the stand base
    4. 4 Tightening the screw in the stand base
    5. 5 Installing the stand