


Lenovo 计算机键盘最上面的一行按键上印有图标。这些按键称为“热键”,可为常用功能提供快捷键。每个热键的功能由按键上所印的图标表示。

热键与功能键(F1–F12)和其他键共享按键。根据 fn lock 的设置,您可以直接按相应的热键或其与 fn 的组合键,以使用热键功能。

fn lock 开关仅适用于键盘第一行的热键。对于不在第一行的热键,始终需要在按住 fn 键的同时按下相应热键。
an illustration of a Lenovo keyboard with the fn key in the lower left corner highlighted
图:fn 键的位置

fn lock 开关

fn lock 是一个电子开关,会影响热键功能的使用方式。要打开和关闭此开关,请按 fn + esc。

esc 键位于键盘的左上角。它带有一个指示 fn lock 开关状态的 LED。
an illustration of a Lenovo keyboard, with the fn lock key in the top left corner and the fn key in the lower left corner highlighted
图:fn lock 键和 fn 键的位置

Lenovo 键盘最上面的一行按键通常包含热键。这些热键与功能键(F1–F12)和其他键共享按键。对于这些双功能键,表示主要功能的图标或字符印在表示次要功能的图标和字符上方。

  • A:表示主要功能的图标或字符
  • B:表示次要功能的图标或字符
an illustration of a key, with two rectangles (one larger and one smaller) indicated the primary and secondary function of the key
表格:fn lock 和双功能键
fn lock (esc) LED fn lock 状态 单独按热键 按住 fn 键的同时按热键
熄灭 已禁用 主要功能 次要功能
点亮 已启用 次要功能 主要功能

Lenovo 热键功能说明

热键的功能由按键上所印的图标表示。下表列出了所有 Lenovo 热键的功能。您的 Lenovo 计算机键盘应该仅支持表中的部分热键。

热键图标 功能描述
an icon of a loudspeaker with a backslash on top of it 静音/取消静音。
an icon of a loudspeaker with a plus sign on the right 增大音量。
an icon of a loudspeaker with a minus sign on the right 减小音量。
an icon of a microphone with a backslash on top of it 启用/禁用麦克风。
an icon of a illuminated bulb with a plus sign on the right 提高屏幕亮度。
an icon of a illuminated bulb with a minus sign on the right 降低屏幕亮度。
icons of an external display and the notebook computer’s built-in display, with a vertical line in between 选择和设置显示设备。
an icon of an airplane 启用/禁用飞行模式。(Windows 操作系统)
an icon of a star with the letter “s” inside it 显示快速启动面板。
an icon of a touchpad with a backslash on top of it 启用/禁用触控板。
an icon of three equal-sized rectangles placed side to side and with a larger rectangle enclosing the three rectangles 以缩略图形式显示所有打开的应用程序。(Windows 操作系统)
an icon of a portable calculator 打开计算器应用程序。(Windows 操作系统)
an icon of a pair of scissors 打开截图工具。(Windows 操作系统)
an icon of a gear 打开设置应用程序。(Windows 操作系统)
an icon of a padlock 锁定屏幕。(Windows 操作系统)
an icon of a clipboard 打开剪贴板历史记录。(Windows 操作系统)
an icon of a crescent moon 使计算机进入睡眠状态。
an icon of a paper note or a paper menu 打开当前活动应用程序的上下文菜单。
an icon showing a person is speaking 打开关联的语音应用或语音服务。
an icon of a horizontal line and several vertical and slanted lines above the horizontal line, which forms an arch 调整键盘背光。
an icon of a horizontal line and several vertical and slanted lines above the horizontal line, which forms an arch. A plus sign is to the right of it 提高键盘背光亮度。
an icon of a horizontal line and several vertical and slanted lines above the horizontal line, which forms an arch. A minus sign is to the right of it 降低键盘背光亮度。
an icon of a traditional handset with the mouthpiece and earpiece side facing upward 接听 Microsoft Teams 来电。
an icon of a traditional handset with the mouthpiece and earpiece side facing downward 拒接 Microsoft Teams 来电。
an icon of a human head wearing a headset 访问 Lenovo 支持资源。
an icon of a solid triangle pointing right and two short, vertical lines to the right of the triangle 开始/暂停音频或视频播放。
an icon of a solid square 停止音频或视频播放。
an icon of a short, vertical line and two left-pointing solid triangles to the right of it 播放播放列表中的上一个音频或视频。
an icon of two right-pointing, solid triangles and a short, vertical line to the right of it 播放播放列表中的下一个音频或视频。
an icon showing a speed meter of a car, with the handle pointing towards the high-speed end 切换计算机的当前运行模式。
an icon showing a sketch of a person’s portrait as foreground and several rows of dots as background 模糊处理视频会议的背景。
an icon showing a loudspeaker, with a gear on top of its lower right corner 切换计算机的当前音频模式。
an icon of the sun and a crescent moon, stacked together 打开/关闭夜间模式。(Windows 操作系统)
Icon resembling Eye 打开/关闭护眼模式。
Icon resembling star 打开自定义(用户定义的)应用程序。
打开或隐藏 Smart Modes。
打开 Intel Unison 应用程序,体验 Smart Share。
如果相关的应用程序或 Windows 操作系统更新,热键功能可能会发生变化。