Use the multi-touch screen

If your computer screen supports multi-touch function, you can navigate the screen with simple touch gestures.

Note: Not all gestures are available on all apps.

Tap once

Tap once

  • From the Start menu:

    Open an app or item.
  • From the desktop:

    Select an app or item.
  • In an open app:

    Perform an action such as Copy, Save, and Delete, depending on the app.

Tap twice quickly

Tap twice quickly

Open an app or item from the desktop.

Tap and hold

Tap and hold

Open a shortcut menu.



Scroll through items, such as lists, pages, and photos.


Drag an item to the location you want

Move an object.

Zoom out

Move two fingers closer together

Zoom out.

Zoom in

Move two fingers farther apart

Zoom in.

Swipe in from the right edge.

Swipe in from the right edge

Open the action center to see your notifications and quick actions.

Swipe in from the left edge.

Swipe in from the left edge

View all your open windows in task view.

Swipe downwards shortly from the top edge or swipe in from the top edge to the bottom

  • Swipe downwards shortly from the top edge (for full-screened app or when your computer is in the tablet mode)

    Show a hidden title bar.

  • Swipe in from the top edge to the bottom edge (when your computer is in the tablet mode)

    Close the current app.