Cleaning your computer

Attention: Do not open your computer or attempt any repair before reading and understanding the Read this first: Important safety information. Properly remove or install your computer cover. See Hardware removal and installation.
Remove any media from the drives and turn off all connected devices and the computer. Then, disconnect all power cords from electrical outlets and disconnect all cables that are connected to the computer.

It is a good practice to clean your computer periodically to protect the surfaces and ensure trouble-free operation. Use only mild cleaning solutions and a damp cloth to clean the painted surfaces of the computer.

Dust buildup compounds problems associated with glare, so remember to clean the screen periodically. Wipe the screen surface gently with a soft, dry cloth, or blow on the screen to remove grit and other loose particles. Depending on the type of the screen, moisten a soft, lint-free cloth with an LCD cleaner or liquid glass cleaner and then wipe the screen surface.